
Warranty period

All products are covered by one-year warranty, provided that the followings are excluded.
  • Repairing of products beyond warranty period
  • Damages caused by improper handling or usage
  • Damages caused by other reasons than the product itself
  • Damages caused by tampering or repairing not carried out by us
  • Damages caused by use under a condition out of the specified range
  • Problems that were unforeseeable by the reasonable technical level at the time of shipment
  • Damages caused by Act of God including, but not limited to, typhoon, earthquake or flood
  • This warranty covers the delivered products only and we are not responsible for any losses or damages triggered by failures of such products.
Note) In case of product failure outside Japan, we accept repairing in Japan regardless of whether or not compensation is received.

Coverage of service

Product prices are not including servicing expenses including dispatch of engineers. We will charge the expenses in the following events.
  1. Advisory work for Installation and adjustment and on-site verification of trial run
  2. Maintenance checkup, adjustment and repairing
  3. Technical assistance and training